Top level category count

17 Dez 2010 11:28 #2931

Dear Haydn,

the counter problem in the category list view is solved since version 1.5.59. You can download the most recent version 1.5.60 in our download repository.

Version 1.5.60 contains a bug that registered users cannot place new ads when the site is running in SEO mode. If your site has an SEO component running, please also download the bugfix and copy the file via FTP after new install.

If you can wait another week, we will publish the new version 1.5.61 where the bug is fixed.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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17 Dez 2010 03:00 #2930

Hi again,
Can you let me know when / if the cat counter problem I raised will / maybe integrated or a bespoke code change solution can be suggested.

thanks again

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16 Nov 2010 01:24 #2631

That would be excellent if ou can find a workaround. Thank you so much. regards

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15 Nov 2010 20:30 #2624

The ads counter is managed by the function \"fetchChildren\" in file ksadvertiser.html.php
We will try to rework this function so that it will count all ads whithin and below the parent category.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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15 Nov 2010 17:39 #2616

Thanks - but frustrating! Can you point me to the code area which counts catgeory ads to see if there is any solution which could be applied? or can you provide a bespoke answer for me?

kindest regards

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08 Nov 2010 11:48 #2544

The fact whether a category can contain ads or not does not affect the ads counter.

If the category is configured as a container only (no ads), the subcategories are displayed. If the subcategories contain ads, the number should be displayed.

As the counter counts only the next level ads, the topmost (main) categories will probably show no number or not the overall sum if you have a deeply nested category structure.

Es gibt genau 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Binärcode verstehen und die anderen.

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