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Bugs in latest version

05 Feb 2010 13:32 #468

Thanks for this idea, fidoboy, we have implemented a function now so that a new category will inherit the properties of its parent category when it is created and saved ( only upon creation, anyway you can change the properties later).

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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04 Feb 2010 20:57 #458


Thanks for explanation zorro now i understand it a bit better. But i still think that it could be better to have some feedback when filling out the form. For example you can use -1 value for all parent categories (containers) and then, using some javascript function show an alert if user tries to select a container category.

About restricted states, please consider adding checkboxes in backend to allow more than one restricted state, it could be very useful (for example with a category for hire /sales only).

Another idea, when creating categories, it could be very useful if by default, children categories have the same values than parents (allowed states, allowads, etc). There is less parents than childrens, so it\'s faster to change only parents at end than filling parameters all the time for children categories.

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04 Feb 2010 17:27 #448

No, users cannot submit ads in a category that is configured as \'container only\'. If a user tries to submit an ad in such category, the message \"Not allowed, try a subcategory of <name>\" is shown and the user is redirected to an empty form. The ad is not saved. However, upon creating the ad the category is shown in the categories select box (this is necessary due to the tree structure).
If a category is restricted to a particular state, the users can set the state to what they want, but the state is automatically saved as the state restricted to the category. Example: If a category is restricted to \"Contacts\", you may enter the state as \"For Sale\" but if you save the ad and then recall it, you will see that the state is set to \"Contacts\". With the next release, we will hide the state select box if a category is restricted.

Es gibt genau 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Binärcode verstehen und die anderen.

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04 Feb 2010 12:31 #443

Fidoboy, thank you for your valuable suggestions and bug reports. We will check it and try to fix asap.

This requires a change in the database indeed and some programming works. We will consider to implement this after checking how much programming work it will be.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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04 Feb 2010 03:01 #438

I\'ve noticed that there is some bugs in latest version. When you select to not show ads for a category (it\'s a parent category and i don\'t want to allow that users can create ads into this category) it happens two things:

- In file ksadvertiser.html.php (frontend) around line 197 there is code to check if current category has a parent category ($parent > 0) but it doesn\'t check if parent has showads field to 0. So the text \'There are no ads in this category\' is being shown even if parent category has showads to 0.

- Also, there is another problem. Even if you set \'Show ads\' parameter to 0 for a category, users can submit ads to that category (i don\'t want ads in container / parent categories)

Another bug that i\'ve found is that you can restrict state for a category but users can still submit ads into that category using other states. I also suggest here to use check boxes and not a drop-down select because it could be useful to have one, two or more states allowed for some categories. This also implies some changes into database structure if i\'m not wrong.

If you have questions, don\'t hesitate to ask me...

kind regards and keep up the good work guys!

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