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The top step: multiregion funcionalities.

03 Jun 2011 12:10 #4028

Hi Doc,

nice to know the you are working in this idea. I think you will get a great result, and your component will perform even more.

I don\'t have a problem if you prefer to set up a select box with the country/regions/counties fields. But what has to be clear is that once the region is selected, the user should see all the categories as usual, but inside the categories it must appear only the ads of the selected region.

This performance will permit to set up ksadvertiser form more that one country, and to permit the corresponding users to see only the ads of their country. The same with regions and counties.

Thanks a lot for your work.

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01 Jun 2011 15:55 #4026

Hi Moha,

the loquo website looks a little bit confusing as it lists all the regions at once and right beside that all the categories. I would prefer a solution with a select box at the top of the page, changing the filtering each time a region is selected. It keeps the display clear and easy to read for the visitors.

We can try to implement a test within the next days, no idea yet how it will look like, but it promises to be an interesting feature.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.
Letzte Änderung: 01 Jun 2011 15:56 von Reservist.

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31 Mai 2011 13:39 #4024

Hi Doc,

the idea is to have something similar to this page: www.loquo.com/

There is a lateral menu, where you can chose the region (in this case province) and in the main page you get the categories created, but inside there is only the ads of this region.

So, it would be necessary to have the country (Spain, with all the ads) and the possibility to choose the region you are interested in.

I don\'t mind if I have to pay more for it, because I know that the result would be a greater componnnt, and a good investment. I want to compite with big portals, so I need this performance.

Best regards.

PS: wolud be any alternative solution to solve that while your programmers implement this idea?


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31 Mai 2011 13:22 #4023

Hi Moha,

your proposal sounds interesting, but the ad/category filtering by regions supposes that the region can be preselected by the user prior to show categories.

At the moment filtering is only possible in advanced search and while showing all ads. For the category view it is not yet implemented.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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30 Mai 2011 23:52 #4021

Hi Doc,

I wish I would receive your help with this item, that I consider it\'s the last step to give performance to my website.

Usually advertising websites has some kind of menus to choose the only the region interested in. In my case, Spain, it would be some kind of menu in this way:

Castilla y León
Castilla-La Mancha
Comunidad de Madrid
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Comunidad Valenciana
Islas Baleares
La Rioja
País Vasco
Principado de Asturias

Each region would contain a link to the ksadvertiser component, wich should show all the categories created but only the ads of the selected region. I imagine that this would be done filtering between all the ads, and selecting the corresponfing ones, but I don\'t have any idea about how to do it. This could be grast for use if the website works in different countries too.

I have thougt that possibly could be done sending orders like Advanced Search Module. I mean, when I use the Advanced Search I choose some fields, and after that I click \"Search\". I suppose this click sends some kind of info to look for all the ads corresponding to this search. The unique difference would be that it should show the categories instead of all the ads mixed.

Would be possible to set up a lateral module or solution with this characteristics?

Please, could you kindly provide your help relating this idea? I would be very thnkful, and my website would perfom amazingly if I found a way to implement this idea.

Thanks you very much in advance, and best regards.

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