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Address of Item - street address inconsistencies

17 Jan 2011 22:38 #3291

If you change it manually in the database, it out of the geocoder\'s influence. Of course that works.

With the next version, we will have added a configuration setting to switch the geocoder to off upon saving an ad (of course the geocoder keeps working, only address validation is switched off).

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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17 Jan 2011 19:37 #3287

Maybe this is of interest : after extending the postcode VAR to 20 if you go into the kiss_ads and manually input the correct postcode it saves it properly and google maps find it.
Ignore this if I am not helping.

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15 Jan 2011 16:07 #3279

The geocoder tries to verify every address upon saving. If the address is unknown to the geocoder, this behaviour might occur.

We will add a function to switch the geocoder to off to prevent unpredictable results.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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14 Jan 2011 19:15 #3275

When i enter in \"Address of Item\" field street address and street number (format for street address in Serbia is StreetName StreetNumber) I have experienced inconsistent behavior of this field.

For some addresses in Belgrade, Serbia (a.k.a Beograd)

    street number is not saved (e.g. Pariska 12, this is a real address, is saved as just Pariska), Map/Route shows marker in the Pariska street (no specific street number)
    I swapped street name and street number so that street number comes before street name - street number is not saved (e.g. 12 Pariska , this is a real address, is saved as just Pariska), Map/Route shows marker in the Pariska street (no specific street number)
    street name and street number is saved (e.g. Balkanska 100000, where this street exist but street number doesn\'t exist) but in Map/Route marker on the map is shown in the completely different street.

Any ideas what might be causing this unpredictable and inconsistent behavior with addresses?


Letzte Änderung: 14 Jan 2011 20:25 von Nija.

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