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Unpublished categories showing in Category dropdow

14 Jan 2011 03:24 #3268

Great, thanks

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13 Jan 2011 22:42 #3264

The new version will be launched end of the month.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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13 Jan 2011 19:15 #3261

Thanks for the prompt response DocChicago.

I even manually unpublished all subcategories under unpublished categories but they and their parent Category are still showing up in the drop down.

Any idea if the patch (for users who would like to have this feature) caould be available?
If you don\'t plan to release a patch for this when the new version (that will have this resolved) might be ready?


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13 Jan 2011 18:56 #3260

This was no bug, but was intentionally made because when you unpublish a category all subcategories of that category will not be shown either.

With the next version unpublished categories will no longer shown in the categories list box - nor will their subcats.

If you want to exclude a certain category from ads but keep its subcategories set the \'ads allowed\' property of the category to \'no\'. In this case the category is shown in the catlistbox, but will be disabled. All subcats are shown and are accessible to users.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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13 Jan 2011 18:06 #3258

I have loaded sample data. After I have tested functionality with them I have disabled categories that came with Sample data and created new ones I want to use.

However, when I try to create a new ad, Category dropdown is still listing all categories, including unpublished ones from Sample data. All categories have Access Group = Public and User Group = All. I didn\'t delete any of the Sample ads.

Any ideas what I am missing here?
Or is this a bug?


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