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Categories Missing on Front End

10 Jan 2011 23:48 #3235

I have slightly different issue with categories.

I have loaded sample data. After I have tested functionality with them I have disabled categories that came with Sample data and created new ones.
However, when I try to create a new ad Category dropdown is still listing all categories, including unpublished ones from Sample data. All categories have Access Group = Public and User Goup = All. I didn\'t delete any of the Sample ads.

Any ideas what I am missing here?


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11 Mai 2010 13:12 #1532

Ahh! No Worries. Well it\'s good to get to the bottom of it. I have just left Adblock running and chosen ~Disable on this site\" from the Adblock menu top right of firefox. It works fine that way.

It\'s been a good heads up for me, I hope not too much trouble for you. Take it easy Doc


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11 Mai 2010 11:42 #1530

Sorry Deeno, I did not remember, somebody had a similar problem few weeks ago. It was also caused by adblock plus on Firefox.

Here is the thread ... unfortunately in German.

I don\'t know why the categories are blocked (and if so, why not all of them). It must be a Firefox addon issue because all other browsers work fine and so does FF without adblock addon.

I think Adblock plus reacts on Javascript code. In KISS Advertiser there is a lot of Javascript code, it is necessary for the tabs, the field validation and other issues. Unfortunately we cannot switch it off or replace by other code without loosing functionality.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.
Letzte Änderung: 11 Mai 2010 11:53 von Reservist.

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11 Mai 2010 08:29 #1529

Damn and Blast and what a lot of bloody time waste. SO SORRY DOC :( :) :laugh: :cheer: :blush:

I have worked it out, it\'s a Firefox issue. I would never had worked it out but by chance. I un-installed the Advertiser. Deleted the data and did a fresh install and low and behold Same problem now this got me vexed. So I went through all the possible issues I could think of and then by chanced tested it on IE and there were all the Categories, present and in order. So now I knew it was firefox or at least an Addon.

I went for the obvious first and disabled Ad Block Plus 1.2 Eureka all was well. How bloody strange is that?

I can\'t say for sure why but I thought I would share it quick to save you too much head work.

Thanks Doc


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11 Mai 2010 08:06 #1528

Hi Doc.

No not that I am aware. There are a number of VIEW Tables I use to Sync with other Joomla Sites on the same server but not the Kiss Tables. This has stumped me. I can manually re enter the Categories and that might repair the error but I hate not knowing what caused it, as it could happen again, which if I start to propagate the fields with User Data would be a real pain to rectify??

Thanks and sorry for the slow replies, I am in Oz and our times don\'t sync well :) :)


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09 Mai 2010 15:22 #1522

The table and settings look ok.

It could be a Joomla pagination problem. Have you made any changes to your Joomla installation?

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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