cant post ads? Att. DocChicago pls

07 Jul 2010 23:09 #1980

okay i think i will wait untill you have a working extension....

Ty 4 your help


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07 Jul 2010 08:54 #1974

We have not yet fixed the problem, but we found the reason why you cannot post ads in the frontend.
We have now posted an ad from the frontend.
Look at your new ad and read the description text.

This is one step closer to a solution.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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06 Jul 2010 22:57 #1972

Hey Doc.

I have updated to v 1.5.52.

didn\'t help, cant post ads neither in front end or backend.

one positive thing i\'am now able to place images in frontend again.

i\'am getting very tired of this ext.

hope u can fix it for/with me, i\'am sad that u and i have put in so many hours in this if i have to give up and find a nother ext, that can solve my challange. :(

a sugestion, can u make the terms of use open in a new window, whn user press it the have to rewrite the add....


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02 Jul 2010 18:18 #1919

ahh ofcurse, u cant find the ads in danish.. lol.

it\'s called jobs...

tried again today it continues to writhe:

Ad(s) saved - Placing ads in this category is not permitted. Please choose a subcategory of .

Letzte Änderung: 02 Jul 2010 18:33 von djervad.

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02 Jul 2010 15:46 #1918

I\'ve send you the information on a private message. But i send it again on you\'remail adress
Thank\'s again for help

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02 Jul 2010 15:27 #1916

Sure: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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