latest 1.5.59 after install

02 Dez 2010 17:43 #2771

so funzt das :o) DANKE vielmals

ich hatte vor kurzem gedownloadet und dachte es wäre schon 1.5.59. Mein Fehler - Sorry / KISS 1.5.61com / j1.5.22

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02 Dez 2010 17:24 #2770

Du hast noch eine ältere Version (erkennbar an den Buttons). Lade mal die neueste Version herunter und installiere sie neu. Die Versionsnummer ist immer noch 1.5.59

Es gibt genau 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Binärcode verstehen und die anderen.

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02 Dez 2010 16:52 #2769

I don\'t use CB and have the same prob.

Benutze kein CB und habe gleiche Probleme / KISS 1.5.61com / j1.5.22

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02 Dez 2010 15:30 #2767

Hi Haydn,

the registered user problem seems to affect only CB users. Try to temporarily deactivate CB (if possible) and watch the behaviour of KISS Advertiser. It should work as expected then.

If so, it\'s a CB problem and we will investigate where to change KISS Advertiser\'s code to cover that issue.
One of our new programmers has changed the field descriptions by error. This error should be fixed now, please download the latest version from our download repository. The version is still 1.5.59 - we do not change the version number after minor changes.
There are some new functions added to v.1.5.59. One of these nice features is the \'rating an ad\' feature. You can activate it to allow users to rate an ad or an article. There is a second rating function which is only available for the advertiser of an ad - not for everyone. The advertiser can rate the condition of the advertised article (from \'junk\' to \'new/excellent\') and the condition will be shown as stars. The user rating function can be switched off. Both rating functions do not interfere with other functions.

Es gibt genau 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Binärcode verstehen und die anderen.

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02 Dez 2010 03:15 #2766

Dear support
I loaded the new version 1.5.59 after backing up KISS + the GB language file + the whole site and Restored my KISS Backup.
A couple of things were quite clear from the start :

1. Concurring with previous post yes I also use CB and did not have this problem before: A registered and logged in user could not open Ads. Message Login Required to see this page. A guest public not logged in could see the Ads. I checked config for user rights level. This was set to Registered Users (minimum) to see Ads.

2, Checked the post an ad and found the Title, Short Desciption and Description Labels were missing.

I noticed the rate an ad feature but did not investigate any further and had to roll back to my Full site backup.

I will re-try 1.5.59 offline to check any Database issues I may have.

Hope this helps towards the cause,

Letzte Änderung: 02 Dez 2010 03:20 von Haydn.

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